From Wild to Willing featuring Allie Martin

From Wild to Willing featuring Allie Martin

Three months ago, I was sitting on the ground in a stall of a horse I had only just met, crying hysterically and feeling like a complete failure. It was day 5 and she huddled in the corner, quivering and terrified at my presence. I had no idea what to do, I had never been in a situation where I couldn’t even get close to a horse before. We were just two terrified, young animals staring blankly at each other, completely clueless and scared. Continue reading From Wild to Willing featuring Allie Martin

#PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Guest Blogger Katie Surritt: Courage Muscles

#PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Guest Blogger Katie Surritt: Courage Muscles

We have never met in person but we text, Facebook, email, and compliment each other like any regular friends would but there is one thing that our friendship does that not many other friendships do and that they need to in order to be healthy: We push each other. Why? So that we get major “gainz” for our courage muscles. Continue reading #PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Guest Blogger Katie Surritt: Courage Muscles