OCA Midyear 2016

OCA Midyear 2016

For those of you who don’t know, I just accepted a new position with the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association located in Salem, Oregon; aka the Capitol. The way everything happened for the position was a crazy turn of events but I look forward to the opportunity to work in a job that allows me the opening to give voice through both my own voice and through my words for Oregon’s ranchers. Continue reading OCA Midyear 2016

Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

I was fortunate enough to get to go to Wasilla, Alaska in the beginning of May as a part of my travels as the 2016 Miss Rodeo Oregon. It was such an amazing opportunity because it was a place that I never thought I would get to go and this is why these state titles are so amazing with their endless opportunities. Stay tuned for my self-proclaimed humorous thoughts on Alaska from my Oregonian perspective! Continue reading Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

#PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Joe

#PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Joe

I live in a lifetime where the most patriotic thing we see is Captain America in the Avenger’s movies. My guy friends scoff at Chris Evan’s character, laughing at his old fashioned manners, polite-gentleman-like behavior and respect for women while my gal friends literally swoon every time he’s on screen. We can’t even begin to comprehend what it was like to be alive and to be a part of society as The Greatest Generation.
Continue reading #PleaseAllowMeToIntroduce Joe

Gracious, Class, Investment & Work: The Life of a Rodeo Queen featuring Barb Carr

Gracious, Class, Investment & Work: The Life of a Rodeo Queen featuring Barb Carr

When it comes to being a rodeo queen mom no one has don more or worked more years than Barb Carr, the current Miss Rodeo Oregon Pageant Inc. president and mother of 2011 Miss Rodeo Oregon and 2012 Miss Rodeo America Mackenzie Carr Ivie. Check out her thoughts about what it’s like to be the “Ultimate Rodeo Queen Mom!” Continue reading Gracious, Class, Investment & Work: The Life of a Rodeo Queen featuring Barb Carr

Rodeo Queens & Their Mom’s: The Bond featuring Vixen Wrecks

Rodeo Queens & Their Mom’s: The Bond featuring Vixen Wrecks

Our next feature is Vixen Wrecks, the mother of last year’s Junior Miss Rodeo Oregon. She discusses how the year bonding with her daughter, traveling throughout Oregon is one she wouldn’t trade for anything. She speaks of the lessons she learned and the message of loving yourself enough to love others speak volumes to those mom and daughter duos out there conquering the rodeo road! Continue reading Rodeo Queens & Their Mom’s: The Bond featuring Vixen Wrecks