Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

I was fortunate enough to get to go to Wasilla, Alaska in the beginning of May as a part of my travels as the 2016 Miss Rodeo Oregon. It was such an amazing opportunity because it was a place that I never thought I would get to go and this is why these state titles are so amazing with their endless opportunities. Stay tuned for my self-proclaimed humorous thoughts on Alaska from my Oregonian perspective! Continue reading Alaska Updates by the Oregonian

It’ll Be What It’ll Be!

It’ll Be What It’ll Be!

With schedule changes, wardrobe changes, and so much more going on we decided that instead of stressing over everything that it was going to be the best for our sanity that we just accepted that things were just going to be what they’ll be! I think that helped us the most to be honest! Yes we were nervous, why wouldn’t we be?! Nothing about the pageant was “easy” persay but things were made easier knowing that we were all rooting for each other to do our absolute best! Continue reading It’ll Be What It’ll Be!